From: Dean_Anderson
Message: 12536
Date: 2002-02-27
> But the present day chanters also mispronounce vocalic 'r' as 'ri'in
> and the visarga as 'h' with an inserted voiceless vowel to assist
> pronouncing a sound no longer found in their natural language.This opinion is held by a few people, but I think most Indologists
> An aspirated 'k' is also often substituted for the 'x' in modernTrue enough but these are Prakrits.
> Indo-Aryan loans from Arabic, Farsi or Turkic.
> In short, theto
> present pronunciation of Sanskrit and Vedic is based on the
> substitution of the closest available sounds in the chanter's first
> language, with certain universally accepted conventions for
> representing sounds no longer present in any modern Indo-Aryan
> language, such as vocalic 'r' or 'l' and visarga. It's comparable
> the habit of some nowadays who pronounce Latin 'c' and 'g' asThis was Deshpande's point in the article I mentioned earlier in the
> affricates before a front vowel, as in Italian.