Random mythological rambling

From: mrcaws
Message: 12328
Date: 2002-02-10

Just something I was thinking about the other day:

There are some interesting correspondences between Orion, Achilles
and Talos(The mechanical bronze guardian of Crete created by

All three die by a wound in their heel. Orion, by a scorpion.
Achilles, by an arrow, and Talos, by the removal of a nail that was
placed there when he was created.

In one version of the Orion myth, Apollo sent the scorpion to kill
Orion. Or, he tricked Artemis into shooting him with an arrow.
Apollo also guided the arrow that found Achilles' heel. I also
noticed that some classical depictions of Achilles are in the
same "pose" as the celestial Orion

Both Talos and Achilles were known for their nearly invincible armor-
In one version of the Achilles story, it is the flaw in the armor
(made by Hephaestus) that leaves him vulnerable.

Talos and Orion were both giants.

Hephaestus plays a role in two of these stories, crafting the almost
invincible armor of Achilles, adn crafting Talos himself. He also
plays a smaller role in an Orion story, helping him recover his
sight. One story says that Talos is actually Hephaestus' father
Hephaestus was also lame-Specifically around the ankles, I believe.

Orion was identified with Dumuzi in Mesopotamia according to Funk and
wagnall's dictionary of myth and folklore. Isn't there a theory that
sacrificial sacred kings were wounded in their heel(s) in order to
facilitate their ritual death?