PIE Homeland Seminar: Announcement

From: vishalsagarwal
Message: 11961
Date: 2002-01-01

--- In IndianCivilization@..., "madhusudan_mishra2000"
<Madhusudan_Mishra@...> wrote:
Dear List Memebrs,

This is to inform you that ICHR, New Delhi is holding a three-day
National Seminar on "The HomeLand of Indo-european Languages and
Culture" at India International Centre (Lecture Hall), Annexe
Building 40 Max Mueller Marg, Lodi Estate , New Delhi-110003.

The Inaugration is on 07 Jan.2002 at 1030 hrs..

I hope there would be a lot of interesting scholarly exchange on this
hot topic.

With best wishes for the New Year 2002.


Dr.Madhusudan Mishra

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