Re: [tied] Scythian Cognates -- more speculation

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 11954
Date: 2001-12-28

Slavic *xor- ("Khor-") would straightforwardly reflect Iranian *xWar- 'sun'.
I'll try to see if a plausible connection can be established between "Lipo-" and 'thunder, lightning, hammer, mace", or whatever.
----- Original Message -----
From: george knysh
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Scythian Cognates -- more speculation

*****GK: Quite a bit. The association of "Serpent"
with steppe peoples is well-established (cf. the
"Zmijevi Valy" business and the bilinas about
"Zmij"/"Zmej". But there is more. Consider the fact
that the second brother in the Ulch Foundation legend
as reported by Zenob Glak is "Meltei", who is
identified with the "Shchek" (=Serpent!) of the Old
Rus' version. Good old *Harpa redivivus?? Furthermore,
if your assumption about the etymology of the youngest
brother KOLAXAIS is correct (radiant, "sunlike") then
we might also have a connection here to the third
brother of both Ulch and Old Rus' stories (Khorean,
Khoryv). On that basis can one speculate some more
about old Leipoxais? The first brother in Ulch and Old
Rus' Legends (KUARA, KYI) has affinities to "thunder
abd lightning".*******