Re: [tied] Scythian Cognates -- more speculation

From: Alexander Stolbov
Message: 11941
Date: 2001-12-28

Could *xWa:rya be interpreted as 'possessing xwarena' , the specific Iranian symbol of the sacral power?
----- Original Message -----
From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Scythian Cognates -- more speculation

The names Leipoxais, Arpoxais and Kolaxais are analysable as (and usually taken to be) compounds with the second element a derivative of *xs^ayati 'rule'. The connection of Kolaxais, the youngest of the three, with the Paralatai suggests that the <-l-> in his name reflects lambdacised *-ry-. One possible etymology is *xWa:rya-xs^aya-, where *xWa:rya- is a vrddhied adjective based on *xWar- 'sun, glow', with the hypothetical meaning 'solar, radiant'. A related alternative is substantivised *xWa:rya:- 'radiance, glory' > *xWala- (perhaps the source of Slavic *xvala, according to Gol/a,b 1973). The Greek refashioning of *xWala-xs^aya- as <kolaksai-> (with Iranian labialisation responsible for the Greek rounded vowel) is quite plausible. The names of the elder brothers are more enigmatic. Perhaps (forgive sheer speculation) <arpo-> reflects *arba- < I-Ir. *arbHa- < *orbHo- 'orphan; slave, labourer'; <leipo-> beats me entirely at present.

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