Re: "Odin of Asgard"

From: tgpedersen
Message: 11681
Date: 2001-12-06

--- In cybalist@..., "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> Here I agree with George on all the major points (except in the
matter of calling the Getae "Thracoid"). I have written time and time
again on this list about the old confusion between the Goths and the
Getae (so regrettably perpetuated by Jordanes and still ringing in
Torsten's mind), and why the Massagetae were neither Gothic nor
Getic, and not to be analysed folk-etymologically as "massa-geta-"
but "mas-sagi-ta-". I have also enumerated the linguistic reasons for
regarding Thracian _sensu stricto_ and Getic/Dacian (I believe the
latter to be close to Proto-Albanian) as separate branches. As George
says, Burebista (or Boirebistas, Byrebista, etc.) and Dekaineos
(Dicineus) were Getic and had no real-world connection whatsoever
with the Goths.
> Of course the area controlled by the Getic kingdom was polyethic
and multilingual. The Getic rulers and their high officials often
sported foreign names (Celtic, Thracian, possibly even Iranian and
Germanic). "Burebista" has no Getic etymology and is suspected by
some to be of Bastarnian origin (a hypothesis that is difficult to
evaluate, as we know next to nothing about the language or the
onomastic habits of the Bastarnae); "Dekaineos" is almost certainly
foreign (Celtic?) if, as seems very likely, derived from *dek^-
'accept, consider worthy or suitable', like Latin decor, dignus,
decens, etc.
> Piotr

How about comparing -bista with Ario-vistus? And what is an ario-
name doing there? Connection with *vis- "power"? (And of course I
wrote on a piece of paper *d-x-n- Decineus. Hm!)
