Re: [tied] -inthos, -ssos

From: Dr. Antonio Sciarretta
Message: 11275
Date: 2001-11-19

At 10:29 19.11.2001 -0200, you wrote:

> > Asamus (Plin.) - the modern river of Os&m. The name was interpreted
> > long time ago as `stony river' from the IE *ak'amo- `stony' in the
> > Old-Ind. asman- `stone; sky', the Avest. asman `the same', the
> > Pelasg. asaminthos '(stone) bath', the Lith. akmuo, -eñs `stone'.
> > This interpretation fits perfectly to the character of Os&m, with
> > stony bed in its upper and partially in its middle course. Compare
> > with Assamum (a town in Dalmatia), which was renamed in the middle
> > ages in Larida from the Latin lapis, -idis `stone'.
>A very nice message. This can confirm the satemic quality of

And there was also Silta (Str.), associated to IE *k^L-to- 'warm', and
compared to Lith. Siltupis etc.,
and above all Byzantium, from Thracian *buzas 'goat' < IE *bhug^o-, cfr.
Avest. buza etc.
So, Thracian (like Dacian) was a "satem" language, but "Pelasgian", the
other "inthos"-language, probably not.
Or have you some evidence of a satem language in (southern) Greece ?
