Titan < Kwitan ?????

From: João S. Lopes Filho
Message: 10830
Date: 2001-11-01

I'd like to see your comments about this:


The Pelasgian Creation Myth supplies us with details of the Titans:
"Next, the goddess (Eurynome) created the seven planetary powers, setting a
Titaness and a Titan over each. Theia and Hyperion for the Sun; Phoebe and
Atlas for the Moon; Dione and Crius for the planet Mars; Metis and Coeus for
the planet Mercury; Themis and Eurymedon for the planet Jupiter; Tethys and
Oceanus for Venus; Rhea and Cronus for the planet Saturn."
(in Graves 1959, I, p. 27 [I, 1, The Pelasgian Creation Myth])
We are fortunate to have this version preserved in such marvelous detail. It
illustrates an assignment of attributes to each of the planets that
corresponds rather well with the assignment of characteristics to planets
that I proposed in Creation (3), based on the interpretation of the names
And the word Titan (Greek Ti:tán), which was used by the Latin poets as a
name for the 'sun', probably is derived from IE kweit-, "bright", a suitable
epithet for a shining planet/star.