Re: [tied] Indo-European animals.

From: João S. Lopes Filho
Message: 10606
Date: 2001-10-25

*suH- "pig, boar"
Latin su:s "pig", sui:nus (swine)
Grk hys
San su:kara
Avestan hu: (<*huvo:)
Old Irish socc=Old Welsh hucc(>Welsh hwch) = Gaulish succos
Germanic su:z [pig], suwo(sow)
Hittite shah (?)
Latvian suvens[piglet]
Tocharian B suwo[sow]
Albanian thi ?

*k^won- "dog"
Latin canis (Portuguese ca~o)
Greek kyon
Armenian skund, sun
Germanic hundaz (hund, hound)
Old Irish cu=Welsh ci
Latvian suntana ?
Lithuanian s^uo~
(cf. Chinese chiuan ???)

*h3owis [sheep]
Greek ois
Latin ovis (Romance ovicula > Portuguese ovelha)
Germanic *awiz (English ewe)
Old Irish oi
Old Slavic ovica
Lithuanoan avis
Sanskrit avih
Luvian hawish
Armenian howi

ek^wos "horse"
Latin equus "horse", equa "mare" (Portuguese egua)
Lithuanian as^va
Sanskrit as^va Avestan aspa
Germanic ehwaz (OE eoh)
Greek hippos , dialectal hikkos
Gaulish epos=Old Irish ech= Welsh eb
Armenian es^ "donkey"
Hittite ekuwa ???
TocharianB jäkwe

----- Original Message -----
From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal <mcv@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 7:11 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Indo-European animals.

> On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 10:22:48 +0200, "Yves Deroubaix"
> <yves_deroubaix@...> wrote:
> >I am still seeking for words in Indo-European languages based on the
following roots: *ekwo- (horse), *kwon- (dog), *owi- (sheep), *gwou- (cow)
and *su- (pig). Would someone please be so kind to fill the following leaks?
> >
> >Hittite:
> *ekwo-, (--)
> *kwon- ~ <{LU}ku(wa)n-> "dog-people"
> *owi- (--)
> *gwou- (--)
> *su- (--)
> >Tocharian B:
> *kwon- <ku> (Acc. <kweM>) "dog"
> >Old Irish:
> *su- (--)
> >Lithuanian:
> *su- (--) [There are Latvian & OPrussian reflexes]
> >Old Church Slavonic:
> *kwon- (--)
> *gwou- <gove,z^dI> "of cattle" (from unattested *<gove,do> "head of
> cattle")
> *ekwo- (--)
> >Albanian:
> *ekwo- (--)
> *kwon- (--)
> *owi- (--)
> *gwou- [Maybe <ka> "cow", with unexpected k- for g-]
> *su- <thi> "pig"
> >Armenian:
> *ekwo- <e:s^> "donkey"
> *su- (--)
> >Gothic:
> *gwou- (--)
> *ekwo- ~ aihwatundi "bramble" (*horse-tooth)
> *su- <swein> (*su-i:n-) "pig"
> >Are there Old High German, Old English or Old Saxon words based on the
root *ekw-?
> OE <eoh> "horse", OS <ehu-skalk> "horse servant"
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