Re: Pelasgian, Tyrrhenian, and Achaean

From: morten.thoresen@...
Message: 9568
Date: 2001-09-18

--- In cybalist@..., "Joseph S Crary" <pva@...> wrote:
> John and Rex
> What do you think of my archaeological reconstru
> in post 9462?
> JS Crary

Found this

Herodotus' Persian Wars:

[8.44] From the mainland of Greece beyond the Peloponnese, came the
Athenians with a hundred and eighty ships, a greater number than that
furnished by any other people; and these were now manned wholly by
themselves; for the Plataeans did not serve aboard the Athenian ships
at Salamis, owing to the following reason. When the Greeks, on their
withdrawal from Artemisium, arrived off Chalcis, the Plataeans
disembarked upon the opposite shore of Boeotia, and set to work to
remove their households, whereby it happened that they were left
behind. (The Athenians, when the region which is now called Greece
was held by the Pelasgi, were Pelasgians, and bore the name of
Cranaans; but under their king Cecrops, they were called Cecropidae;
when Erechtheus got the sovereignty, they changed their name to
Athenians; and when Ion, the son of Xuthus, became their general,
they were named after him Ionians.)


Morten: It would be interesting to know when this happened: "The
Athenians, when the region which is now called Greece was held by the
Pelasgi, were Pelasgians, and bore the name of Cranaans". Where did
the Pelasgi Cranaans come from?

[8.73] Seven nations inhabit the Peloponnese. Two of them are
aboriginal, and still continue in the regions where they dwelt at the
first - to wit, the Arcadians and the Cynurians. A third, that of the
Achaeans, has never left the Peloponnese, but has been dislodged from
its own proper country, and inhabits a district which once belonged
to others. The remaining nations, four out of the seven, are all
immigrants - namely, the Dorians, the Aetolians, the Dryopians, and
the Lemnians. To the Dorians belong several very famous cities; to
the Aetolians one only, that is, Elis; to the Dryopians, Hermione and
that Asine which lies over against Cardamyle in Laconia; to the
Lemnians, all the towns of the Paroreats. The aboriginal Cynurians
alone seem to be Ionians; even they, however, have, in course of
time, grown to be Dorians, under the government of the Argives, whose
Orneats and vassals they were. All the cities of these seven nations,
except those mentioned above, stood aloof from the war; and by so
doing, if I may speak freely, they in fact took part with the Medes.


Morten: The Lemnians on Peloponnese, could they be the Pelasgians
before/above the Tyrrhenians you referred to who at Herodotus' time
lived in Krêtôna?



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