Re: Apollo (was Re: [tied] Nostradamus and Dumezil)

From: Che
Message: 9566
Date: 2001-09-18

Galician is the constitutive dialect of galaicoportuguese, I mean galaicoportuguese spread like the other (alive) hispanic romance languages from north to south, so one must think that it's not a substratum matter. In consecutive dialects the important thing is adstratum.
From this point of view, I think the real differenciation between galician and portuguese (beyond normal dialectal differences) has come with modern states, in this case the Spanish state, which placed modern boundary lines (it means REAL boundary lines, not like those we used to have until the becoming of modern states) between several linguistic communities. In my opinion, the main difference between galician and portuguese is the strong influence that spanish has had and still has upon galician. You must notice that Galicia (Galiza) has been a poor country, with very bad communications and with a very important migrative phenomenon, so Galician has always (in modern times) been regarded as an "inferior" language (it's very usual in Spain and France). Actually, if you hear someone speaking "galician" in tv you can easily understand everything he says (if you speak spanish), while if you hear a Portuguese native, you can't. The same happens with real galician spoken in isolated towns by old people. There you notice that linguistic galaicoportuguese unity is a fact because you can't get a bit of what they speak.
In my opinion, then, if Portuguese sounds so different is 1. because we are not used to hear REAL galician 2. because of political reasons that have driven strong spanization of galician, so what you are likely to hear as galician is a "light version" coexisting with a very minorized true galician free of spanization, which is not so different of portuguese, also free of that adstratum influence (ok, there must also be some arabic adstratum normal difference between the constitutive and the consecutive dialects, like in every (alive) hispanic romance language, but it doesn't explain those -apparent, as I say- big differences)
----- Original Message -----
From: Max Dashu
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: Apollo (was Re: [tied] Nostradamus and Dumezil)

<Galician is so closely related to Portuguese that some linguists prefer to
regard the <two as dialects of a single language -- yet Galician sounds
more like Spanish than it <does like Portuguese.

All right then, what makes Portuguese sound so distinctive? Is it a
Lusitanian or other Iberian substrate, or some Punic or Moorish
phonological influence, or is the Celtic element stronger, which the
comparison to Galician might suggest, or did the Suevi get in there? None,
other, or any combination of the above?


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