Re: Pelasgian, Tyrrhenian, and Achaean

From: morten.thoresen@...
Message: 9465
Date: 2001-09-14

--- In cybalist@..., "Joseph S Crary" <pva@...> wrote:
> Morten
> I have to say that many of the discussions presented on this site
> extremely enlightening. The variety of insights present here, some
> provided as informative and others as counter arguments have vastly
> expanded my view of concepts and constructs I thought
> >Let's imagine that there was one group of peoples called the
> Pelasgians and one people that at a certain time was called the
> Tyrrhenians. Let's pretend they spoke the same language but had
> somewhat different cultures.<
> Based on the earliest Hellenic sources and the physical
> and texts the Tyrrhenians were Pelasgians, however not all
> were Tyrrhenians. Remember this is my opinion.

I have with great interest read your message. To begin with:

Exactly which Hellenic sources and physical inscriptions
and texts naming the Tyrrhenians are you refering to?



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