Tragedy - Opportunity for adapation

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 9381
Date: 2001-09-12

>My deepest sympathies are with you and with all my American friends >today.
>I simply don't know what to say and what to think. It's >someone's total
>war against humanity and civilisation.

Having just moved to Vancouver to look for work... well, I'm sickened
for so many reasons I can't count. My nerves are on edge as we speak.
My lover just called from Winnipeg telling me the horrible news
(since I don't have a television). I can't believe it. I still
can't believe it and I'm very worried. It sounds like all-out jihad.
If these terrorists have nuclear weapons... we're f**kn screwed.
Pardon my language but this situation warrants it.

However, the tragedy will necessitate adaptation and evolution. It
requires the US and other countries to adopt a strategy of
decentralization and a new look at the concept of hierarchy. If
the World Trade Center were split into ten seperate places working
together as equals, a substantial attack would be far more difficult.

I'm sick. All airports are closed in Canada and the US, so I
was told. I need time out to relax...

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...

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