
From: Christopher Gwinn
Message: 9366
Date: 2001-09-11

I have witnessed a very sad event today. Arriving late for work
today, I stepped out of my subway train in the basement of the World
Trade Center to find that hijacked planes had just crashed into the
WTC, which is right next to where I work. I walked up to street
level, where I was greeted by a scene of pure chaos - smoking
shrapnel and confused throngs of people not quite knowing what to do
with themselves other than stare at the destruction above them. I
quickly left the area - forced to walk back to my apartment in
midtown - along the way back I saw one of the towers collapse. I
This is a great tragedy - many people have lost their lives today -
all for nothing. I truly am sickened by this world sometimes.
Sorry for the crosspost, I just needed to get this off my chest.
- Chris Gwinn