Re: [tied] Scientific Nationalism?

From: Che DeBarna
Message: 8937
Date: 2001-09-01

In Spain, they call it a "dialogue between red breams" (literal translation, I had to search my Cobuild dictionary to find that stupid yet yummy fish's name). It makes no sense to keep on arguing, I assume that you're just not prone to hear anything about the issue (do you really think the explannation in my last message is so irrelevant? Doesn't it at least clarify my position and try to make an approach from your points of view?).

On the other hand, I'm sure if we could overcome communication problems due to my poor english, you could see the difference between what I understand as "nationalism" and what might you and that mine has a perfectly understandable scientific bases.

A part of this, is that I agree with you that nationalism doesn't make sense when discussing for instance about PIE, but just because there were no Germany, nor India, nor Russia, nor Catalonia... so we cannot take this discussion from any of those points of view and because the truth is just the truth, in spite of any (supposed) national convenience (by the way, I also think it's quite clear that the out-of-India theory doesn't really make much sense).

>From: "Glen Gordon"
>Subject: Re: [tied] Scientific Nationalism?
>Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2001 16:08:04
> >I can see your sense of Canadianity is comparable to my patriotic
> >romanticism, as you seem to be very upset about confusing (???)
> >Canadians with USans.
>If someone were to confuse Spain with Portugal, there would also be
>need of correction, not out of nationalistic pride, but for logic's
>sake. Canada is a replaceable, abstract object to me. If it were
>to distingrate one day, I'd just pack up my bags and move without
>shedding a tear.
>Regardless, note that I didn't assume to know someone else's
>position on various topics because this is simply not conducive to
>rational discussion.
> >My sentece "Are you an American or something?" means Canadian, USan,
> >Mexican, Argentinian, Chilen, Peruvian... so don't get too angry about
> >that.
>I'm not angry, but you've incorrectly used the term "American"
>which refers specifically to the US in both English *and* French.
>The rest of your post was more irrelevance to the discussion at
>hand, if not to IE linguistics. However, I will say that nationalism
>may be becoming an outdated concept as globalisation makes its
>mark on the world.
>Perhaps this is my true sense of identity
> - I'm of the Earth, I'm human.
> gLeNny gEe
> ...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!
> home:
> email: glengordon01@...
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