Re: [tied] Re: Stop the insanity

From: Glen Gordon
Message: 8463
Date: 2001-08-11

Joseph clogs our email with the following revelation:
>a theory requires tests
>tests provide the proof

... which is what I just said. We agree, you fool! Testing against
_probability_ and _facts_ are our "proof". That's why your
FinnoUgric-Etruscan-Hurrian fantasy doesn't hold water - because
it fails in both the probability and fact department. Things must
be tested according to Occam's Razor - it's that simple.

gLeNny gEe
...wEbDeVEr gOne bEsErK!

email: glengordon01@...

>without proof it is basket weaving
>as many have forgotten or never knew
>a theory requires tests
>tests provide the proof
>without that
>its all just smoke and mirrors
>JS Crary

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