Re: [tied] Re: Satem shift

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 8202
Date: 2001-07-31

It is still remembered by some Ottawans, though:
"One example of a distinctly Canadian pronunciation is illustrated by the word "khaki". The Canadian pronunciation [karki] is quite different from the typical American pronunciation [kæki] and the British pronunciation [kA:ki]. The [karki] pronunciation may be falling out of use, however, as research indicates that the majority of CE speakers, especially younger Canadians, use the American variant. (Gregg 1984:71)"
----- Original Message -----
From: Glen Gordon
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Re: Satem shift

>[...] cf. also the frequent Canadian pronunciation of <khaki> as
>/karki/ -- a falsely re-rhoticised RP form).

Say what now? I can assure you all that no one in Manitoba says
/karki/ since that could only be the word "carkey" as in "Pass
the carkeys over, man. That draft totally hammered ya." Piotr
must be refering specifically to those nutty Newfoundlanders, them
there folks with their weird talk ;) We're not all Newfies, ya know!

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