Re: [tied] Re: Satem shift

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 8174
Date: 2001-07-30

Oh, it's a long tradition. The first IE family tree ever drawn (Schleicher, ca. 1860) divided IE into "Sclavo-Teutonic" and "Aryo-Graeco-Italo-Keltic". The Sclavo-Teutonic subfamily was divided into "Teutonic" (Germanic) and "Sclavo-Lithuanian" (Balto-Slavic). There is a good overview of currently discussed subgrouping schemes (including those in which Germanic splits off from Balto-Slavic) in the EIEC.
----- Original Message -----
From: tgpedersen@...
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Satem shift

... I only read your comment about some linguists proposing having proposed that Germanic at some time had been de-satemised


So, logically, your questions should be directed to them. Obviously you don't subscribe to their view. But if you would give me some references to their work, maybe I can work something coherent out of what was initially just a thought?

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