From: Lisa Jacqueline Emerson
Message: 7775
Date: 2001-07-02
>Is #2 also IE [or is it Greek]?
> (1) *-om is the normal PIE ending,
> (2) *potis is the form,
> > Is that a regualar sound change from IE>L?have been dropped?
> Certainly not.
> > In Greek, is there any reason in particular why the "ne" would
> No reason at all.
> *poti- > posi- is regular in Greek (with -ti- surviving in the
> Archaic versions of Poseidon's name include uncontracted<poseidao:n>, <poteidawo:n>, <poti:dao:n> and the like.
> My own view, BTW, is that the "PIE word" in question, insofar as itis reconstructable at all, is *d(a)h2nu-s ('[big] river'?) with the