Re: [tied] FYD (For your disinformation)

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 7053
Date: 2001-04-10

On Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:08:11 , "Glen Gordon"
<glengordon01@...> wrote:

(Some additional remarks)

>this is why the inclusion of the 1ps *-o: element in our analysis is
>absolutely paramount.

I fail to see what point you're trying to make. I have no opinion on
the exact analysis of *h1eg^-, except that it is obvioulsy not a verb.

>If Latin, Germanic, Tocharian, Celtic, Balto-Slavic, Greek and Indo-Iranian
>all show *s(w)ek^s, then I hardly see why Armenian must be explained at the
>IE level. It was no doubt affected by Kartvelian languages afterall.

Not to mention the impact of Kartvelian on Old Prussian...

>Your views on IE as well as Semitic are clearly demented. IE *-k^s comes
>from the consonant cluster in the Semitic word for six, possibly *-dT- or

That's an alternative hypothesis I've been entertaining (after writing
the article). I'm not absolutely sure if there were any phonotactic
rules in PIE against *ts or in favour of *k(^)s, but it's conceivable
that a Pre-East-Semitic or Pre-NW-Semitic *s^ids^-et (> *s^is^s^et)
would have been borrowed into PIE as *swek^sw(e), ordinal *swekswetos.
In that case, Armenian <vec`> might derive from the ordinal
*swek^swetos [instead of the expected *swek^s > *k`ec`], by way of
*sweswetos > *uswets > *uec` (cf. also <vat`sun> "60" <
*uswatV-k^omt), and likewise the OPrussian ordinal <uschts>, <usts> (<
*uswetos < *sweswetos < *swek^swetos).

>You fail to convincely explain a contradictive development of *us > *yus as
>anything other than a "euphonic" prefix *y- rather than conforming to the
>more apparent, less involved explanation. The accusative forms are quite
>obviously zeroed, eroded forms in contrast to the fuller nominative (*ns
>"us" < *mes). Thus *yus must indeed be original with an eroded *us for
>oblique cases, in firm opposition to your pretend soundlaw.

In PIE, *yus would have been reduced to *ys-mé (*ismé), in clear
contradiction to *ws-mé (*usmé), which is what we actually find.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

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