Re: Odp: Odp: [tied] gr!

From: Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
Message: 6827
Date: 2001-03-27

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001 11:29:53 -0000, tgpedersen@... wrote:

>This is a quote from you:
>"-, not unlike *k^e:r, *k^rd-(j-)รณ- (> Hit. gir, kardijas 'heart'). "
>so I assumed (wrongly?) that <gir> was nominative and kardijas some
>oblique form (if otherwise, why the -d- in what I believed to the
>oblique form?)

The whole question is meaningless, since <gir> and <kir> are in fact
the same sign (#244 in Ruester and Neu's Zeichenlexikon: [phonetic:]
gir, kir, pis^, (pas^), pus^3, bis^, [akkadogram:] qir, [sumerogram:]
HA6). The word would usually have been written S^A3-ir, anyway, with
the Sumerogram for "heart".

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal