Re: etymology of `buy'/`sell' in Albanian (and other IE l.)

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 6592
Date: 2001-03-15

I was hoping our Albanian experts would know the answer. I have no
idea how to etymologise these words. It's difficult to do "inverse
derivation" here because of the usual Albanian pitfalls (e.g. <bl->
could be anything from PIE *mVl- to a combination of the non-
productive prefix <p-/b-> and an initial l-.

As for your IE terms, let me just remark that the putative Greek
cognates of *wos-no-/-nah2- are problematic because the expected
reflexes of the initial *w- are missing. Otherwise *wes-nah2- is well

There are more words for "sell" that contain *per-/*pr- with various
extensions (*pret-, for example). Some are definitelty branch-
specific formations, e.g. Slavic *per#da-ti (= *per 'through, over' +
*da- 'give); what they testify to is that the adverb/preposition *per
has been associated with exchange throughout the history of the IE

I think the optimal reconstruction of the third verb is *kWrei-h2-
(cf. the Old Indic pp. kri:ta- < *kWrih2-tó-), with the nasal infix
producing *kWrinah2- (the length of -i:- is secondary). The vocalism
of the Celtic forms seems to have been contaminated by that of *ren-
< *per-n(ah2)-.


--- In cybalist@..., "Petr Strossa" <kizips@...> wrote:
> Hello!
> Can anybody offer any plausible etymology for the Albanian words
> ble (to buy) and
> shes (to sell)?
> I have recently studied the terms for buying/selling in all the IE
> languages for which I had any source at hand, but have not found
> anything similar to these Albanian words.
> BTW, there seem to be 3 really old IE terms for something
> concerning specifically `exchange of goods':
> - *wes-no / *wos-no/na: or similar (Gr. o:nos, o:ne: `exchange,
> price', o:neisthai `to buy', Lat. vendere <- venum dare `to sell',
> veno `for sale')
> - *per-k- / *pre-k- (Lith. pirkti `to buy', OIr. reccaim `I sell')
> / *per(-na:)- / *pra:- (Gr. perne:mi or pipra:sko: `I sell')
> -- all said to be from *per `through, over, ...'
> - kWri:-na:- / kWre-n- ? (Sanskrit kri:na:ti `he buys' ~ OIr.
> crenim `I buy', Welsh prynu, Cornish prena)
> Is this OK?

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