Slav - Slovene

From: Cohen, Izzy
Message: 6526
Date: 2001-03-11

If the Slavs didn't arrive in the area already bearing crosses,
then they may simply have come from "across the river" ...
like the Hebrews :-).

cross (a river)
~ reverse of tzadi-lamed-het tzalakh = cross a lake or river (lamed > R)
(unreversed, this word is related to ME schalowe and OE sceald;
one crosses the river where the water is shallow)

Since ancient Latin did not have a W, the het-W parallel is sometimes
evidenced as het-V in Latin.

Possible Het - Latin V parallels

leaven < ME levain < OF levain < VL levamen = alleviation, lit. a lifting <
levare = to raise ~ lever, levitate < L levitas = lightness, frivolity <
levis = light in weight ~ levity <? lamed-het-mem lexem = bread Gen 3:19,
14:18, 18:5, 21:14, 25:34, 28:20

ravine < MF = torrent < OF = violent rushing < nun-het-lamed naxal =
torrent, stream, valley, ravine nwl--> rvn NR LN or a reversal (see vale,

salvation < ME salvatioun < LL salvatio < salvare = to save ~
samekh-lamed-het salax(ah) = forgive Num 14:19, Deut 29:19, Amos 7:2, Dan
9:19, Lam 3:42 compare tzadi-lamed-vet tzalav = crucify; tz'lav = cross

shavings [1325-75] ~ TH shin-het-lamed-saf sh'xoles = metal shavings
shwls--> shvns [Probably a coincidence if it really appears this late in

shivaree = a wild, noisy celebration < Cajun Fr < Fr charivari (not < LL
caribaria = headache < Gk karebaría < káre = head + barys = heavy) ~ TH
shin-het-resh-resh shixrayr = set free, liberate, emancipate sh-w-r-oo-r-->

svelte < Fr < It svelto < VL exvellitus < L evulsus (not < evellere = to
pluck out < vellere = to pull, pluck) < TH heh-taf-het-vav-nun-nun hisxonan
= to be graceful, be pretty ~ heh-samex-het-nun-oo-taf hisxanoot = be
graceful, charming < het-nun xen = grace, charm (see winsome, Venus, swan)

vale, valley < OF val < L vallem < vallis, valles = valley ~? nun-het-lamed
naxal = valley, ravine; torrent, stream (see ravine)

venus < L Venus = Roman goddess of love and beauty personifying sexual
attractiveness < vener = physical desire ~ Skt vanah = desire ~ venerate =
solicit the goodwill of a god, worship, revere < het-nun xen = charm (see
winsome, wynn)

verse < ME vers, fers < OE fers < L versus = a row, line of poetry < vertere
= to turn < het-resh-zayin xaraz = rhyme (see rosary)

vim < Amer < L vis = energy, force ~ het-yod-yod-mem xayim = life (see vita,
l'chaim, chimera)

violate < L violatus < violare = treat with violence < het-yod-lamed-lamed
xilayl = profane, desecrate, violate ~? het-yod-lamed xil = pain, fear
[violate : violet :: SHaGaL : SeGoL]

visage < OFvis = face < VL visum = face < L visum = sight, appearance <
het-zayin-oo-taf xazut = visage; xazuti = visual; xizayon = vision

vision < L visio = seeing, sight ~ het-zayin-vav-nun xazon = vision,
prophecy, revelation (see see, wizard)

vita = curriculum vitae, vitality < L vita = life < het-yod-oo-taf xioot =
life, vitality (see vim, l'chaim, chimera)

vulva [1540-50; < L] <? het-lamed-oo-lamed (V)aLooL = hollowed; pipe,
