Odp: [tied] again: slav - sklav-slova

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 6478
Date: 2001-03-09

I can't. The best that one can do is what Sergei did when he compiled his admirably complete list of current and past hypotheses, with remarks on their comparative merits. Quite possibly we'll never know for sure. Just one comment: <sclav-> does not seem to be an independent word but merely a Latinised variant of <slov->. Latin had no <sl->, so a stop was inserted to make the word pronounceable.
----- Original Message -----
From: NXmTo01@...
To: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 10:02 AM
Subject: [tied] again: slav - sklav-slova

Three or four different words for the name -

1.slova=letter, (sloven, original people)

2. sklav=slave (savery, enslavement, enslaving, enslave, to be enslaved, to

3. slav = praise

4. slava=glory (neka mu je slava...glenu)

 slav - in the broad sense of the word - equivocal - comprehension, with
four different significations...
 I think the name - slav - for slavs, is mixed and can not to be determined,
from the word - glory, because is a different signification - slava=glory.

 Two roots sklav+slav=?

  The root for speaking, speech, -slova=letter, what has to do with the word
- slav-s ?

Maybe, Mr. Piotr Gasiowski, Glen Gordon and Julianus, they can to explain
