dialect vs language

From: Cohen, Izzy
Message: 6404
Date: 2001-03-07

Torsten tgpedersen@... wrote:
> Subject: Shibbolethisation
> As someone once said
> "A language is dialect with an army and a navy."
> This can be reformulated to say that a dialect is
> a language you can attack without fear of retribution.

Joshua Fishman (Mendele, 10/28/96) reported that this quote is
from Max Weinreich and was located by Avrohom Novershtern as:

'a shprakh iz a diyalekt mit an armey un a flot.'
Weinreich, M. 1945. Der yivo un di problemen fun undzer tsayt.
[YIVO and the problems of our time.] Yivo-bleter 25.1.13.
