OK Told himself who use medication, it's Christopher Gwin!

From: GABULLEA2000@...
Message: 6400
Date: 2001-03-06

Dear Christopher Gwin,

  You jump acros reality, but, again I tell you something next time!
My medication is a simple: H2O and yours maby is any drogs...who knows!
  Again: World wide need World Thinkers...I read some anothers in this List,
seriously as you and Piotr Garsiowski...Your attachments are knows!

  Methode of medications I never ussed to now...Water is the best, Gwin!
Your arrogant phrase tell to somebody els!  I have not time for You, let me
alone plz!
  You are not Gods here in the cybalist, stay in your way...anybody has
his/her right! Who ar you mr. Gwin?