From: GABULLEA2000@...
Message: 6378
Date: 2001-03-06

Interested, albanian can to explain Antiquity, and much people can no to
uderstand yet! Only one Old Albanian can to explain the word: Zeus=Zot,
Chronos= Kroni (fontain); Afrodita=Afro+dita; Klimnestra=Klim+nestra (weather
tomorrow); Artemida=Arte+mi+dha; Apolon= Apo+llon;   chronos gr=koha-the
time(fontain, spring of water, alb.), pelazg=pellgaz, Theba=The+ba,
Macedonia= Ma+ke+dhon+i+a; Athene=Ethana;  Sicilia=sicili (everybody);
Vardar=Vardar, hill-hilliria-hell-hellada-heney-henhelley=same illyrian
language; Thracia=Thrrakia;  Ballkan=Ballkan...all these words are from
Illyrian Language!
 Illyrian Language is At- Atus- Atos- Atum - at=father  of all i.e.languages!
 All Gods of Antiquity has spoken Skipus (Illyrian Language)!
  Thoth - Tehuti - Thothum = THOTI (skipus lang.)

Thoth Trismegist!