Re: [tied] Re: Language - Area - Routes

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 5925
Date: 2001-02-05

Technically speaking, BP = before 1950 (by convention).
This IS getting ridiculous.
Sundaland was submerged in two phases. The first, coincident with the meltwater pulse (called "Ia") of ca. 15000-13500 BP, caused a rapid retreat of the coastline; after the second pulse ("Ib"), which began ca. 11500 BP and culminated ca. 10000 BP (that is, about 8000 BC), the inundation of the Sunda Shelf was complete. There have been more recent see-level rises, on a much smaller scale, but they can't have led to the flooding of something that had already been flooded.
The sea-level rise of ca. 7500 BP (= 5550 BC with a few decades' margin of error) caused the Mediterranean to break the fragile barrier that had prevented the sea to spill over into the Euxine basin since the time of the high rises that marked the beginning of the Holocene. The Euxine system was a hydrographic bomb with a fuse that took about 2500 years to burn -- that's the time gap between the two "floods".
----- Original Message -----
From: tgpedersen@...
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 1:11 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Language - Area - Routes

...I must learn to distinguish between BP, BPE, and BC. I checked "Eden in the East". Citing reliable sources (I think), the last great rise in the level of the oceans was 8000 BP, 6000 BC. So was the flooding of the Black Sea.