Re: [tied] Digest Number 320

From: Guillaume JACQUES
Message: 5810
Date: 2001-01-27

There are some really mind-blowing "correspondences", e.g. where a Nostratic "egg" is reconstructed as <glottal stop> + <a|o "or similar" _or_ u> + <uvular or pharyngeal fricative> + <i> on the basis of the IE "egg" word (cited as *ou(y)o-), compared with Old Japanese u 'egg' (representing the entire Altaic phylum!), and with a solitary Syro-Lebanese Arabic word for 'white of egg' (?a:h_), out of which an Afroasiatic protoword for "egg" is conjured up!

Besides, the so-called OJ 'u' is a ghost, not to be found in any text or dictionary. Even Starostin criticized Dolgopolsky for this comparison.
