From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 5685
Date: 2001-01-21
> "sysati" "to hiss" (pol.syczec, syk- not sus). Hence another name1. With all my respect to Bruckner, su_s- looks like an odd cognate to Slavic *sys-. How would you explain the fact that RUKI rule doesn't work here if second *s is from *s, not from *k^? Onomatopoeia? Too easy an explanation: if the root has sibilant in there, then it can well denotate hussling etc.
> for "susel" was/is "krzeczek" (squeaker). In the XVI c. "sys" was
> another name for an eagle (they hiss too). Brueckner also mentions
> German sausen (older su_so_n) to sough, swish, rush.