Re: [tied] Re: Fire and the naughty little squirrel

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 5658
Date: 2001-01-20

It seems we've run the Naughty Ground Squirrel down to his burrow. Come out, you little bristler. No use shivering now :)
... but an alternative has just occurred to me. Polish has sus 'a leap', susac' (of a hare) 'leap'. Does sus- occur in Russian? Maybe *susUlU is simply a 'leaper'? (An ultimate connection with the Baltic words, with a common expressive root, *k^euk^- 'spring up' or the like, not ruled out.)
----- Original Message -----
From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Fire and the naughty little squirrel

> .... If the name is old enough, it derives from something like *souk^ulo- (or *k^ouk^ulo-), quite possibly of onomatopoeic origin (as far as I know, ground squirrels go "tsik-tsik" or "sik-sik" when alarmed).
> Piotr

.... As for k^ouk^-ul-o-, there's an interesting counterpart in Lithuanian: s^iaus^uly~s  'a shiver' (<*k^e(:)uk^-ul-i-), akin to s^ia'us^ti  'to bristle (up)' (<*k^e:uk^-).
