Re: [tied] Hermes etymology & anthropomorphic maps

From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 5257
Date: 2001-01-01

I think Lug is a very complex deity.
"shoemaker" + "leaper" = Vishnu and Vidarr?
Perhaps this Lug-Odinn deity can be a pre-IE Northwestern god that absorbed
traits of IE *Waxtnos.
Bricriu have common traits with Syrdon, Loki and Thersites.

----- Original Message -----
From: Christopher Gwinn <sonno3@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] Hermes etymology & anthropomorphic maps

> I like Pokorny's explanation of Loki from *Leug- "break/divide." This
> make Loki "the Destroyer." It may be that Lugus/Lug comes from the same
> root, though it is now widely accepted amongst (Dumezilian) Celticists
> Lugus comes from *Leug- "oath/swear." This would make Lugus (*Leug-eu-s)
> "(Oath)Swearer."
> Things that we must remember about Lugus (and his Irish/Welsh
> 1) He is specifically connected with horses and horseracing
> (Lugus/Lug/Lleu); 2) he is connected with hilltops (Lugus/Lug/Lleu); 3)
> festival coincides with the harvest season (Lug/Lugus); 3) he is armed
> a firey/powerful spear (Lug/Lleu); 4) he can take on eagle form (Lleu -
> Odinn as an eagle); He is mortally wounded and then healed (Lleu); He is
> connected with healing (Lug); He is connected with valleys/brooks
> (Lugus/Lleu); He is connected with sovereignty (Lug); He is a master of
> occult, knows demon magic (Lug - note his "Fomorian" style dance in Cath
> Tuired)); He is of 1/2 demon ancestry (Lug); His brother is a sea god/seal
> (Lleu, perhaps Lug); he may be connected with Apollo Belinus (note Welsh
> name Llywelyn from *Lugu-Belinos); He is a shoemaker (Lleu/Lugus); He is a
> master of all arts and skills (Lug).
> This is only a sampling. Lugus seems to be a very complicated god and I
> think that more reasearch needs to be done before we assign him an assured
> PIE identity - though I would lean towards an Rudraic-Apollonic-Odinnic
> direction.
> The closest to a trickster god in Celtic tales is Bricriu of the poison
> tongue in the Ulster myths.
> -Chris Gwinn