From: jdcroft@...
Message: 5216
Date: 2000-12-30
> I asked:
> > If the innovations appeared all throughout the >Middle
> >East and if the prehistoric Sumerians never came up with >anything
> >then why did civilization (i.e., the growth of cities) >occurfirst in
> >Sumeria?logic... How
> Glen responded:
> >Well, I'm a bit confused too. Help me out with this piece of
> doclear this
> cities grow without agriculture?
> Looks we're both confusing each other. :) Let's see if we can
> up. What I find incredible in the first statement is the idea thatthe
> Sumerians never invented *anything* at all. However, that does*not*
> automatically imply that I think they invented *everything.* Johnis the
> one who listed an impressive set of accomplishments for theSumerians, not
> I.without
> Also, I never said or meant to imply that cities can grow without
> agriculture. I agree with Glen's summary of: "No cities started
> agriculture first, as far as I know. So... first agriculture, THENa city."
>give some
> Glen asked: "Why Sumer and not some place else?" and he went on to
> humorous and interesting comparisons between Vancouver andWinnipeg. There
> are a variety of reasons why things happen in one place and not inanother,
> but three very important ones are climate (as Glen mentioned),resources (as
> John mentioned), and location (which of course influences bothclimate and
> resources). Sumer was in a fertile land with an adequate andreliable water
> supply, and it was also easily accesible for travelers. Kind oflike the
> large industrial city of Pittsburgh in the United States: threerivers meet
> there, it's surrounded by rich farmland, and there are nearby coaldeposits.
> The term "attractor" works in this instance, both for solidly
> reasons (enough water and enough food) and for more mystical ones(good bars
> and lots of single women or single men). People move to LosAngeles and
> Paris for no other reason than the music and art they can findthere. I'm
> sure people went to Sumer because they heard it was a happeningkind of
> place to be.Sumerians
> When Glen says that we cannot make a "convincing argument that the
> indeed affected the IEs or vice-versa," again, I'd like to put ina request
> for some kind of timeline. Once the Proto-IEs split, do we stopcalling
> them IEs at all? Do we start referring to them as Anatolians,Aryans,
> Celtic-Italians and what not? Obviously, the Sumerian culture didinfluence
> the descendants of the IE.Sumerians
> Back to confusing parts: I most certainly did not say that
> invented agriculture. I specifically stated that there wereseveral tribes
> all scratching in the dirt at the same time. Nor did I say that thethe
> Sumerians "gave the IE agriculture or mythology." I said that once
> cities in Sumer started (whenever we date that), the Sumerianswould have
> had more influence than the other tribes.does not
> While the Vinca-writing connection in 4700 BCE is interesting, it
> negate the premise that a culture which develops and maintainscities has
> more influence than tribes who do not. Inventions need to be usedon a
> regular basis to have much impact. (With the exception of atomicbombs.)
> For example, an ancient Greek (sorry, not sure what century or whatcity)
> knew about the principle of the steam engine, but it didn't haveany impact
> because the metallurgical techniques weren't around to do much withit. It
> took the invention of steel to bring the steam engine into its own,over
> 2000 years later. Likewise, Leonardo da Vinci drew pictures ofairplanes,
> but didn't have the motors available to make them feasible.neighboring tribes,
> That citified culture's influence would show up first on
> but it would also spread in ripples to tribes farther away, such asthe IE.
> I don't know how long it would take that influence to spread. Idon't know
> in what areas that influence would be in. Irrigation? Trade?Fighting
> techniques? Weaving patterns in cloth and baskets? Myths?myths or
> Some weeks back, I asked if there was any information on IE star
> star names. Except for the possibility of the name of a star or aplanet or
> two, there is apparently no record of any native IE starlore. LikeGlen, I
> personally find it unlikely that the IEs had *no* divinitiesassociated with
> the stars, but there is little evidence of it left. All their mythswhich we
> know about--star and otherwise--seem to show Sumerian influence.Glen
> When did that Sumerian influence show up? I have no idea. Luckily,
> does:Sumerian
> >However, regarding proto-IE itself (c.4000), I don't see how
> civilisation was as yet powerful enough to have affected in anydirect way
> IE-speaking cultures.not
> Ah, the importance of timelines! It seems that the Sumerians did
> inundate the ProtoIE with their stories. So, did the Sumerianinfluence
> come in succeeding waves, rippling out again and again over themillennia
> from Sumer, from Greece to Rome to north-west Europe, then againfrom India
> to Arabia to Italy and to north-west Europe again, slowly erodingany native
> IE myths? Can we piece together anything that doesn't have aSumerian
> flavor to it?painfully
> Glen believes we can. He says: "Common deductive reasoning must
> sift out the late additions and alterations from these lores toarrive at
> the common IE myths. Luckily, there appear to be at least somecommon IE
> characteristics of the prototypical Euro-Anatolian mythos that areunique to
> the IE."affect
> I'm not so sure at this point. Like salt in soup, just a dash can
> the entire pot. Pity.
> Janeen