Re: [tied] (unknown)

From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Message: 5198
Date: 2000-12-28

----- Original Message -----
From: petegray <petegray@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [tied] (unknown)

>>>>>> Vulgar Latin, however, didn't always win the battle : Rumanian,
Rhaetish, Provencal and Portuguese all show examples
of -au- surviving in the dialect that was their source.> >>>>>>>

But in Portuguese the regular evolution is au>ou (sometimes oi). The "au" is
maintained in erudict words, and proper names.
taurus "bull" > touro (in Portugal toiro); but adjective taurino "taurine,
bull-like" (<taurinus)
aurus "gold" > ouro (in Portugal oiro)'; but adjective aureo "golden"
Fontem Auream (accus. of Fons Aurea) "golden fountain" > *Fontouria> surname
Fontoura, Fontoira
maurus "moor" > mouro (in PT moiro); but personal name Mauro
laurus "laurel, blond", laura "blonde" > louro, loura (in PT loiro,loira
both used also in Brazil); but personal name Lauro,Laura
paucus "few" > pouco
Laurentius "Lawrence" > Lourenc,o
gaudius "joy" > gozo