Re: [tied] Velesu/Volosu

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 4791
Date: 2000-11-21

There are theories galore about this obscure deity. Volos "the cattle god" is mentioned as a witness in 10th century treaties concluded between Rus and Byzantium, The form "Veles" appears somewhat later, in "Igor's Campaign", for example. In Czech sources from 15th/16th c. "veles" is just a euphemism for "the devil", as in the exclamation "k velesu" '(go) to the devil'. The sources say next to nothing about the god himself and his attributes. The only thing that seems certain is his association with cattle (more conjecturally also with poetic inspiration). The connection proposed by some scholars with the Slavic word for "ox", *wolU- (a *u-stem), is difficult to test, as the "ox" word itself is of uncertain origin. It seems to me Veles/Volos may plausibly be related to *volja 'will' *velEti 'to order' and of course to PIE *welh1- (Latin velo, English will, etc.).
----- Original Message -----
From: João Simões Lopes Filho
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 3:50 AM
Subject: [tied] Velesu/Volosu

What's the etymology of Slav god Velesu/Volosu? Any link with Vo"lsi and Vo"lsung?
Joao SL

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