From: Glen Gordon
Message: 4724
Date: 2000-11-14
>The y- is an automatic glide.How exactly is it "automatic"?
>It's probably not there in Slavic vyThese extended enclitic forms are late creations and are quite obviously
>(*u:, with w-glide), it's not there in oblique *usme (except in cases
>where *y- or *i- was prefixed in analogy with the nominative, such as
>Gmc. *izwis/*inkwis), and it wasn't there when the "extended >enclitic"
>forms (for want of a better term) were created: *ns-me -> >*nos, *nh3-we ->
>*noh3; *us-me -> *wos, *uh3-we -> *woh3. In other >words, the addition of
>*y- certainly postdates the development of
>*msme/*mh3we to *nsme/*nh3we (or *-ms > *-ns).