Sanskrit advice

From: Julianus
Message: 3638
Date: 2000-09-13


I was browsing a local used book store the other day and came across a
primer of Sanskrit. I have been feeling lately that I really should go
make some effort to study the language even though I've never had any
skill in such matters, so I'm taking this as a sign from the tutelary
dieties of IE Studies:-)

Despite living near Indiana University, I have neither the time, desire,
nor money to take formal classes, so I will be entirely on my own. I
have no illusions that I'll gain any notable proficiency, I just want a
good feeling for the language so as to help with the religious and
mythological studies that are my primary interest.

My question for the list is simply are there any good books and/or
online resources for the kind of study I am outlining here? Thanks in
advance for any help you can give.

-- John

‘Nothing on the face of this earth -- and I do mean nothing -- is half
so dangerous as a children’s story that happens to be real, and you and
I are wandering blindfolded through a myth devised by a maniac.’
-- Master Li Kao (T’ang Dynasty)

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