Re: [tied] Re: Sardinian.
From: Dennis Poulter
Message: 3199
Date: 2000-08-17
Dante, who interested himself greatly in languages, seemed to see a
similarity between medieval Sardinian and Latin, when he wrote :
"However we would reject the Sardinians, who are not Latins, but seem to be
associated with the Latins, since they alone do no seem to have their own
vernacular, but imitate "grammatica" (Latin) as apes imitate men".
Anyway, judge for yourselves. Here is an excerpt from a document written
between 1080 and 1085 :
Ego iudice Mariano de Lacon fazo ista carta ad onore homines de Pisas pro xu
toloneu ci mi pecterunt; e ego donolislu pro ca lis so ego amicu caru e
itsos a mimi; ci nullu imperatore ci lu aet potestare istu locu de non apat
comiatu de levarelis toloneu in placitu; de non occidere pisanu ingratis; e
ccausa ipsoro ci lis aem levare ingratis, de facerlis iustitia imperatore ci
nce aet exere intu locu.