Re: [tied] Children

From: Catherine Hagemann
Message: 3189
Date: 2000-08-17

An interesting question.I would like the answer to that one as
well.There are other differences.For example;hund in the Tuetonic and
English(hound)languages.Then,there is the English"Dog" and the Spanish
"Porro".It could be borrowings through time or just simply,changes that
occur through time.

> smith wrote:
> Does anyone know why there are so many words for "child" in modern IE
> languages? German "kind" is not obviously related to English "child",
> neither are french "enfant", spanish "bambino" or portuguese
> ?"crianca" obviously related. Only the slavic languages preserve some
> sort of uniformity, with a "det" root being seemingly universal.
> I take my kids to Scotland and the Celts call them "bairns". I take
> them to Riga and the locals call them "berns" (macron over the e). The
> pronounciation is identical as far as I can hear. Is there any
> connection or is this coincidence?
> Andrew
> (admittedly, I cheated a bit. "bairns" is plural and "berns" is
> singular).
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