Re: [tied] Athena, Tritos and the painfully obvious origins of Indo

From: Mark Odegard
Message: 3130
Date: 2000-08-15

From: Glen Gordon

Or could it
simply be that Athena is a European-flavoured version of *Tritos? If so, unless you see homosexuality as a large part of IE myth which is interesting in itself :), Poseidon (or rather *Nepo:t) is probably not originally a consort of *Tritos or vice versa. Instead, they are fellow warriors doing battle against something - a big bad snake? Of course, nothing says they can't be gay, I suppose. Afterall, what kind of a silly name is *Tritos, anyway? Let's call him "Lance" or "Guy" instead :)

- gLeN

gLen. You are difficult to take seriously. I wan't to learn something. You want to joke.
I can joke too. But, with you, I just don't know when. It's easier to call you a fiend from e-mail hell. A spammer offering Biker tritos-sluts from outer-space on ice.
I think you want to be known as Donald Duck's avunlculus.