From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 2201
Date: 2000-04-26
John wrote:
> That being so we find the EastIranian influence as far as the Danube
> (German Donau). It ishardly surprising that Celtic Rivers were
> sacred to Dana (Gaelic) andDon (Welsh).
>somehow they got
> I suspect it goes back beyond East Iranian, unless
> toRegards
> Ireland too....
>1. It's archeologically proven that Scythian influence extended up to today's Berlin, and maybe even further to the west.
2. I don't see any reason to adscribe Ireland's and Pontic hydronymy to the same ethnolinguistic group (whatever it could be).
3. And even in that case there should exist an answer to this question: what group gave the names to Pontic rivers?