From: Sergejus Tarasovas
Message: 2193
Date: 2000-04-25
John wrote:
> There seems to be anIndo-European version of this Goddess. Nanna
> wasmother of Baldr, and the *Danua found throughout IE people from
> the
> theTuatha de Danaans in Ireland to Danu in India (with Diana
> Nemorensis theinspiration of Sir James Frazer's "The Golden Bough"),
> as a greatIndo-European fertility goddess (associated with such
> rivers as theDonau, Dneipr and Dneistr etc), seems fairly sound I
> think. Sheappears in Greek mythology as the minor goddess
> Dione. Some havesuggested that she may also be Da-meter (despite
> attempts to give thisanother different origin).
>shift another of the s-r replacement
> By the way, is the Ausora-Aurora
> we found in Tyrsenoi-Tyrrhenoi Iwonder.
>As far as I'm concerned, Dnepr and Dnestr contain East-Iranian stem *dVn- 'river'. I'm not sure if we have Iranists on the list; they could clarify the matter.