Re: One World Language

From: Simona Klemencic
Message: 1365
Date: 2000-02-04

Christopher wrote:

>I wonder if anyone else saw this article?

Thank you for the information.
Don Ringe wrote two articles about the factor of chance in comparision of
not necessarily related languages referring directly to Greenberg's and
Illych-Svitych's work.
Ringe is using statistical methods to estimate the expected incidence of
multiple matches. I've got an impression that Ringe's work in this field is
a must for everybody interested in comparing languages not yet proven to be
related. I've also got an impression that Ringe has torn Greenberg to
pieces. Check it:

1) Don Ringe: 'Nostratic' and the factor of chance. Diachronica Vol.12/1,

2) Don Ringe: How hard it is to match CVC-roots? Transactions of the
Philological society, Vol.97/2, 1999.
