From: Glen Gordon
Message: 1111
Date: 2000-01-24
>>NigerKordofanian languages cover the central belt of Africa,Cavalli-Sforza does genetics, not linguistics, and you'll stop calling me
>>whereas AfroAsiatic languages (to answer your next question) are
>>part of the younger Nostratic group and cover the northern part of >>
>>Africa. Both groups
>>had spread into the continent from the Middle East - first
>>NigerKordofanian and then AfroAsiatic on top of it.
>Gerry that is news to me. What evidence do you have that Niger
>Khordofanian is not African? According to Cavalli-Sforza the Niger
>Khordofanian languages are totally African in origin.
>This ties in well with the archaeology as there seems to be a West >AfricanCalls 'em as I sees 'em.
>source of dispersal, with various waves. There are >currently five
>branches to this group. The West Atlantic (including >Fulani), Mande,
>North Central (including Gru and the Adamawa->Ubangian waves that spread
>Eastward along the southern Sahel prior >to the last group), the South
>Central Niger Congo (bantu included) >group.
>There is no evidence that Khoisan languages are any older than NigerNo linguistic evidence of that either. I don't know where you're going with
>Khordofanian, or Nilo-Saharan languages. They seem to have spread >out
>long before humans left Africa, and to be a lot older than >Nostratic.
>On the genetics it would seem that this pattern best corroborates theGenetics means nothing to language.
>Do you know of the attempts to look at Ur-World,Please no Ur-World. I just got over Disney World.
>The Eurasiatic Superphyllum linked Indo-European, Uraolic-Yukaghir,The last two what? Amerind and Na-Dene? No, not Nostratic. Eskimo-Aleut and
> >Altaic, Eskimo-Aleut and Chukchi-Kamchatkan). Nostratic foes not
> >include the last two,
>Afro-Asiatic and Dravidian to the mix.I know this already so I don't know why we're getting into this but for the
>There is also the attempt toTo rearrange it to conform to what I've found, one would have Nostratic
>link Sino-Tibetan - Caucausian/Basque - Eurasiatic - Amerind -
>Nostratic (the SCAN hyptothesis). It excludes Austro-Asiatic, Daic,
>Austronesian, Indo Pacific and Australian languages which seem >earlier.
>It thus seems that the SCAN links all cultures that were Aurignacian >inStrangely, these "MacroAsiatic" languages seem to have that odd abbhoration
>origin (40,000 years BP), but does not link those that occurred >before
>(Aboriginal people were in Australia from at least 60,000 >years BP).