PIE voiced consonants

From: Ivanovas/Milatos
Message: 1016
Date: 2000-01-20


Pjotr wrote:

>In effect, we often reconstruct non-Anatolian IE and call it PIE, unless
it's >necessary to take Anatolian data into account.

I was actually going to ask a question that may be related to this fact:

Whereas Gramkrelidse and Ivanov suppose that it was the " _p_ rather than
the _b_ that most likely had been suppressed in the Indo-European proto
language", Cyryl declares that Linear A cannot have been IE because it
didn't have _b_ and _g_.
I can't follow this - may be I just don't understand what they were talking
about? If PIE had the glottal consonants Gramkrelidse/Ivanov suggest,
wouldn't it follow that it didn't have voiced consonants? For my logic that
would make Lin. A a candidate possibly closer to PIE (which - taking into
account how old it is - would make sense), wouldn't it?

And just for the record: I'm not trying to prove Lin.A _IS_ IE, I'm trying
to see if there are falsifiable theories about it ... :-))

Any suggestions to enlighten me further?
