From: John Croft
Message: 978
Date: 2000-01-19
> Now which 'reality' is that you're talking about? As far as I knowthe main
> substratum language in Hittite we know about is 'Hatti' (non IE),roughly
> situated in northern middle Anatolia. I haven't come across any knownAnatolia -
> substratum language mentioned for all of western and southern
> those languages from there we know about are Luwian and later Lycian,Lydian
> and Carian (and some more smaller ones) for a long time taken to benon-IE.
> Lycian is seen as a later development of Luwian, but I've also readabout
> possible affinities to (what little we have of)Lin. A as ancestor ofLycian
> (possibly more similarities than with Luwian, but it's a lack oftexts in
> Lin. A that prevents scholars from knowing more, it seems). So themost
> probable candidate as ancestor for 'Pelasgian' or Aegean (thepossible group
> of languages of the eastern Mediterranean and western Anatolia), aevidence
> substratum of Greek and (allegedly) Eteo-Cretan (I have never seen
> for that, but I didn't look closely, I admit) would be the languagewritten
> in Lin. A. And for that we still don't know if it is IE or not (ifyes it
> must be very old, I understand). But IF it is, it might well be oneproof
> for the Anatolian PIE theory ...stratum
> So we'll have to wait until my colleagues here in Crete and in western
> Anatolia (there is proof for the existence of Lin. A in the Minoan
> of Miletus) have found some more archaeological evidence for ourDo you have any more information about Lin? I was also of the
> discussion!!