Odp: World Wide Language

From: Gerry Reinhart-Waller
Message: 867
Date: 2000-01-11

Adjust to WHAT? Yankee English? Pommy English? What for?
Australian English is bloodywell easy to understand. Mybeh ya mehn
y'an't gonna get rich if pehple can tell y'ah from a-Strylia? That's a
******* loy, Rupert Murdoch's an a-Stryan.


Gerry: Rupert Murdoch is certainly rich, huh. But I'll bet he knows
nothing about language families.

But perhaps you're correct. Folks in the past have resisted "stuff
academic" and I'm certain they will continue to resist it in the future.
And if Murdoch wants people to know he's from A-strylia, that's fine
with me!


Gerald Reinhart
Independent Scholar
(650) 321-7378