Odp: role of the mother

From: Gerry Reinhart-Waller
Message: 837
Date: 2000-01-10

Piotr: The expression mother tongue is reflects the commonsense
awareness that every language is passed on from generation to
generation. It may also reflect the observation that the mother usually
spends more time with the kids and talks to them more often than the
father (at least in most traditional societies).

Curiously, the Polish equivalent is język ojczysty, where
ojczysty translates Latin patrius. However, it is derived from ojciec
'father' indirectly, via ojczyzna 'homeland' (literally 'fatherland').

Gerry: Since were on the subject, Piotr what is the Polish word for


Gerald Reinhart
Independent Scholar
(650) 321-7378