Gerry,you wrote:
>BTW, you called Catal a town and not a city. Is there a particular
>reason for this label?
The only reason I can think of is that I learnt British, not American,
English first :-)
>Gerry: And Sabine, where was it that you examined the frescos from
>Catal Huyak? Have they always been available for viewing? Is there
>perhaps a website that displays them?
That was in a book by Mellaart, Catal Huyuk : a Neolithic town in Anatolia
(London 1967) in some library. I told you the website of the Univ. Karlsruhe
(I believe)
http://goethe.ira.uka.de/catal/ who is doing part of the
mastering of the new excavations. It's supposed to show some of their work,
but as I don't manage to open more than the first page (where you can order
a CD on the subject, which I might do if I knew more about it!), I can't
tell you how much it shows (it may be my fault, so go ahead and try).
I've also seen representations of several of the frescoes in other books on
Neolithic art (but nothing new, as far as I recall).
Best wishes