Odp: Slavic Calendars

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 232
Date: 1999-11-11

----- Original Message -----
From: sonno3@...
To: cybalist@eGroups.com
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 1999 6:38 PM
Subject: [cybalist] Slavic Calendars

Does anyone have month names from ancient Slavic calendars? I am
specifically looking for a 4th Century calendar discovered near Kiev
which is discussed by B.A. Rybakov.
Chris Gwinn
(p.s. - If anyone has Hittite or Tocharian month names, I would greatly
appreciate these as well!)

Dear Chris,
What's that about the Slavic calendar? Where is it discussed? Have you got any references to it? Slavic month names may be a bit confusing. Some of them recur in many languages of the branch but are applied to different (usually adjacent) months. Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian use modified Latin names. Below is a list of months in Old Church Slavonic (the most archaic of the three), and Modern Czech and Polish (which retain some of the old names with Slavic etymologies). If possible, set your browser's encoding option to UTF-8 to see the diactitics.
        OCS                 Czech               Polish

i     prosinьcь     leden            styczeń

ii    sečěnъ         únor                luty

iii    suxyjь         brězen          marzec (from Latin)

iv    brězenъ       duben           kwiecień

v     trěvenъ       květen         maj (from Latin)

vi     izokъ           červen         czerwiec

vii   črъvenъ     červenec     lipiec

viii   zarevъ         srpen          sierpień

ix    rujenъ          září               wrzesień

x    listopadъ      říjen          październik

xi    grudenъ     listopad       listopad

xii   studenъ      prosinec     grudzień


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